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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

County Public Health Dept press release re:All Calaveras County Healthcare Workers Must Receive Annual Influenza Vaccine

On August 12, 2014, Calaveras County Public Health Services released an order from Dr. Dean Kelaita, Calaveras County Health Officer, mandating all licensed health care facilities in Calaveras County require their healthcare workers (HCW’s) to receive an annual influenza vaccination, or if they decline, to wear a surgical mask during every influenza season.  Healthcare workers are all of the doctors, nurses, technicians and other support staff working in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and other licensed care facilities. 

For those HCW’s who decline to get a seasonal influenza vaccination, they will be required to wear a surgical mask while working in patient care areas for the entire influenza season (defined as November 1st through March 31st of the following year). 

“Healthcare workers are both at risk for influenza and can transmit the virus to their patients,” said Dr. Kelaita.  “Influenza vaccination of HCW’s has been shown to prevent transmission to our patients and save lives,” Kelaita continued.

The influenza shot requirement will not apply to those who work in assisted living facilities or provide in-home care.  Those who provide mental health counseling and substance abuse services will also not be mandated to get an influenza vaccination.

“Numerous studies have shown that requiring HCW’s to be vaccinated for influenza increases the rates of vaccination of the healthcare work force to over 90%,” said Kelaita.  “A protected work force protects vulnerable patients we are dedicated to serve,” added Kelaita.

Please contact Public Health Services at 754-6460 with any questions, or visit our website at: