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Friday, July 4, 2014

Winning Ways Advice Column by Marge Powers - 'Job INterviewing Secrets You Must Know NOW'

Job Interviewing Secrets You Must Know NOW!

Hi Marge,

Whenever I go on an interview, I feel like my tongue is tied in knots, and I don’t feel confident at all.  I know I blow my anxiety way out of proportion, but I sure would like to turn that all around.  Any tips?    Scott Schmitt

Hi Scott,

Getting prepared to ‘do the right things’ on an interview, takes practice, many mistakes, and tons of stress.  To get you started on the right foot here are some secret but obvious tips.  These tips below will get their attention, and have you feel like you may have some semblance of control to make a good impression.  Good luck! 
 Marge ‘Magic’ Powers

Job Interview Secret Tips:

Everybody knows the warning about the ‘limp handshake.’ You were probably advised against that blunder when you were looking for your first job.  God forbid a potential employer should reach out and wind up holding something that feels like damp earthworms.  Here are a couple of job interviewing secrets that can help you avoid any awkward encounters when you’re at the office:

In an interview, shaking hands firmly is just one of the things you must do with your body.  Body language makes up 93 per cent of human communication, so what you do with your body is of massive importance.  And this starts even BEFORE you walk into the interview.

The Findings:

Harvard Business School social psychologist Amy Cuddy is an expert on nonverbal communications.  She says one of the most valuable things you can do in your job search is to understand how important your body language is and how it impacts those around you, as well as yourself.

Have you ever watched a cat react to another animal by arching her back and raising her fur?  That’s because she wants to seem bigger.  Animals instinctively know that by taking up more space, they seem bolder.  Even humans are hard-wired this way. 

Cuddy talks about ‘power poses,” such as putting one’s feet on the desk and leaning back, arms behind the head.  Or standing with hands on hips, feet apart.  But if you think I’m going to tell you to position yourself this way during an interview, STOP!  You want to look like a confident person, not like a pompous jerk.

So, don’t do these:

Crossing your arms, twiddling your hair, evading making eye contact, and/ or invading personal space. 

Do this instead:

You can appear much more confident and competent during an interview if you set your mindset to think, “Fake it ‘till you make it.’  And then bring it up one more notch, and add ‘Fake it until you BECOME it.”  Why?  The secret is that your body language actually changes the way you feel about yourself. So try this before you meet your interviewer face-to-face.

Studies show that when you think ‘Fake it until your become it’, you are actually bathing your brain with the chemicals that make you feel more optimistic, more assertive and less anxious.  So when you say this phrase to yourself, you’re really not ‘faking’ anything.  You’re effecting (anchoring) a change in the way you are thinking and feeling – which changes dramatically how you are feeling about yourself. 

I usually tell my clients that before an interview, imagine a time when they felt terrific about themselves, remember that emotion, and go into the interview with that positive great feeling.  They tell me that practice actually works!

Two Minutes Can Make a Difference:

This chemical change happens instantly.  So, the next time you have an interview, take two minutes alone, and imagine a ‘special’ “I feel terrific about myself feeling”.  If you do this I promise you’ll feel more confident and competent.  Imagine that!

In closing I said there was one secret, but there are actually two:  If you want to become more comfortable with your body language, try Toastmasters International.  It is a worldwide organization dedicated to communication and leadership development.  (One of the first things you’ll learn is how to avoid that limp handshake!).

Magic Morsel:   Why not be the person you’d like to be!


eMail me your letters, inquiries; Let me know your opinions, let’s have your suggestions and ask your questions.  If you’re ready to feel good about yourself, then connect now!

Help is here:  Contact Marge “Magic” Powers for a free consultation at 209.785.2042 or   marge@discoverwinningways.com.  (Would you please call between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.)?   Note:  If I am with a client, I do not answer the phone, so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  Thanks.  ‘Magic’ Powers   J

Marge has written many books in how to improve your lifestyle, career plans, job search activities and/or retirement issues. These books may be reviewed or purchased on her website:  www.discoverwinningways.com.

WINNING WAYS is a Career and Life Coaching firm.  We help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can reclaim your power, build your confidence, commit to your destiny and keep your dignity.  Our mission:  A strong commitment to bringing about real practical changes with huge results in your life. 

Note:   I only work with people who can benefit most from my coaching; such as those who are in transition, open minded, interested in growing and viewing their world as an opportunity full of possibilities.  I enjoy working with people who are committed and motivated to ‘win’ and want to be satisfied in a life that actually works and fits who they are! 
Good thoughts and Best Wishes!

Career and Master NLP Life Learning Advisor