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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Manteca PD press release re: Tillamook Van recovery in Copperopolis

Three  Stolen  Tillamook  VW  Micro-­‐Buses Recovered Manteca, CA -­‐On July14, 2014, information was received on the possible whereabouts of the three stolen Tillamook VW Micro -­‐ Buses,valued at $300,000, taken while parked overnight in the City of Manteca.
The San Joaquin County's Delta Regional Auto Theft Task Force,  consisting of the California Highway Patrol, the Manteca Police   Department, the San Joaquin County Sheriff Department, the Lodi Police Department, the San Joaquin County Probation Department and the San
Joaquin County District Attorney's Office, took the lead in the investigation.
At approximately 8:30 PM on July 14 th , based on information gathered,
a search warrant was obtained for a recently rented storage unit at 49 Cosmic Court in the city of Copperopolis. The search warrant was
subsequently served and located inside of the storage locker were the three stolen Tillamook VW Micro -­‐ Buses. The vehicles were located in
their original condition and appear to be undamaged.
There are currently several outstanding suspects wanted in connection with this case.
More information will be released on their identity shortly.
If not for the combined efforts of each member the San Joaquin County
Delta Regional Auto Theft Task Force this quick of a recovery would not
have been made possible.