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Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter to the Editor - re: Wild and Scenic by Al Segalla

Dear Editor,

This is concerning designation of a portion of the Mokelumne river, downstream of a PG & E power generation dam, as "Wild & Scenic". 

A study session of the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors is set for  6 PM on July 29th to consider rescinding it's previous endorsement of the proposed state law. 

The endorsement was previously passed, without study, during a highly organized emotional demonstration by proponents.

It seems this law has consequences much more important than just stopping possible future water development, and taking away our water rights which is bad enough. 

The most important is the encroachment on the concept and constitutional process of representative government. The proposed law tends to usurp the rights of the affected people to locally elected county government. Instead, they are to be ruled by an unaccountable state bureaucracy.

There are at least 14 examples of dangerous clauses in this legislation.  Of concern are sections 5093.61 (Eminent Domain), 5093.546 ( Local Government Land Use Authority Usurped), 5093.52 (c) ( River means any waters?), 5093.52 (f) (Local governments lose local control over land uses),  5093.547 (a)  ( Missing studies).

I urge those who care about these issues to read the law and consider attending the study session.
Albert J. Segalla