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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

DA press release re:Jury finds Robert Swiggart guilty of four felonies in three strikes case - updated

Barbara Yook
891 Mountain Ranch Road
San Andreas, CA 95249
(209) 754-6330
FAX (209) 754-6645

July 9, 2014 Press Release


People v. Robert Swiggart, 14F6178

            On Tuesday a Calaveras County jury convicted a Stockton man, Robert Swiggart, of four felonies with two strike priors, four prison priors and one misdemeanor.  The felonies include criminal threats, inflicting injury on Jane Doe a co-habitant, attempting to extort $5,000, and stalking of Jane Doe after a restraining order was issued against him.

            Deputy District Attorney Dana Pfeil was pleased with the outcome.  She said “the victim (Jane Doe) showed real courage after testifying for an entire day.  Domestic violence cases can be difficult because there is a stigma attached to the crime.”  In the middle of the trial the Defendant decided to represent himself, as is his Constitutional right, so the Public Defender’s Office was relieved.  Three Deputy Sheriff’s testified in the case in addition to three lay witnesses.  Dana Pfeil said “Justice was served and a career criminal will be out of our community.”

The two “strike” prior convictions were for two separate burglaries of an inhabited dwelling in 1994.  The Defendant could receive twenty-five years to life in prison due to the two strike priors and possibly more time for the remaining felonies.  A sentencing hearing is set for August 5th.  The Probation Department is expected to file a report and recommend a sentence.

The victim wished to be listed as a Jane Doe in court documents.

updated 7-9-14 3:50 pm.