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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Community Garden clean up

Remembering Rick Nelson's song, "Garden Party", we'll get together tomorrow night to 'have at' the Morning Glory and try to figure out what's happening to the irrigation on Chaitan's Oak Tubs.

Oak Tubs - the central tub has standing water when the drip irrigation is on, so clearly it is 'stealing' water from the other two tubs.

Morning Glory - yes, it is bad and we need to "get physical" in order to give the tomatoes a chance to set their flowers.   We also should give them some calcium, to stave off blossom end rot - I do believe we have what is needed in the shed.

Beans - need to be picked, so bring a basket to take some home.  And the Morning Glory is no less aggressive on that end (north) of the garden.

I do appreciate all who've spoken with me to let me know they will attend.   Thank you for your support.

Richard, Carla and George