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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July Celebration in Angels Camp a wonderful tribute to veterans, families and freedom!

The Angels Camp Business Association 4th of July Celebration held in Utica Park had the all the makings of a fabulous community celebration.

The Det. 1 40th Infantry Division Band "The Governor's Own" played patriotic music of all eras brilliantly and to the delight of all.

The crowd stood with respect as the ceremony began with the James D Piper VFW Post 12118 Honor Guard performing the call to colors with skill and palpable pride.

The National Anthem, sung by Leah Callahan, was sung beautifully,

followed by a blessing and the reading of the Declaration of Independence. A must read for all citizens.

When it came time to honor veterans, Master of Ceremonies Captain James Dodge, USN Ret, was pleasantly surprised with the more than 10 pages of veterans submitted. Over 100 names were read, with their dates of service and medals earned.

Flags representing each branch of the military were held by members of VFW Post 12118, when one flag was stepped forward, veterans in the crowd who served in that branch would stand and be honored while the anthem for that branch was played by the band.

Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Aleutian Island campaign, Panama, Granada, Iraq, and Afghanistan were represented.

For more pictures CLICK HERE