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Friday, May 9, 2014

Winning Ways Advice Column - by Marge 'Magic' Powers - "The Biggest Energy Killers on the Job Search"

The Biggest Energy Killers on the Job Search

Marathon runners know the key to crossing the finish line first isn’t by brute strength, the key is stamina.  The same goes for the job hunt.  Don’t give up!  A job search is always a mind game, so keep your thoughts positive. You don’t know if the hunt is going to be a sprint or a marathon.  Assume it will be a marathon and you’ll be pleasantly surprised if it is a sprint.  It’s easy to lose motivation and energy, especially in this economy.  Be careful and watch out for these energy killers.

Energy Killer #1        Ignoring Your Feelings:   Have you been laid off?  If so, you may feel confused, ashamed, or even depressed.  You must realize these feelings are natural and that letting them fester will destroy your momentum.  You will stay depressed and procrastinate instead of moving toward your goals if you don’t first accept your feeling.
Job loss is probably one of the top three stresses in life.  It affects your identity and your sense of value.  When you have days where you feel down, make sure to take small steps toward your goal.

Energy Killer #2        The Attitude of Job or Bust:  If the goal is just to land the job, you’re setting yourself up to fail every day you don’t get a job offer.  You never know when an offer is going to show up.  However, when your focus shifts to the actual tasks of the job hunt, you will feel a greater sense of control and be better able to handle the long haul.  Try to take little bites out of the overwhelming marshmallow, for instance, instead of saying “I will get a job in X field this year,” say “I will send out five resumes this week.”
Instead of saying, “I will have three job interviews this month,” say “I will call five people for informational meetings today.”  If you stay in the moment and work on your daily goals, instead of projecting into the future, you will feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your life.

Energy Killer #3        Applying for Every Job:  It is tempting to increase your odds of an interview by applying for any job you might be qualified for.  You need to avoid that trap.  Interviewers know when you’re not a good fit for the job and won’t contact you.  If you apply for just anything, you’ll get more rejections, fewer responses, and negative feedback.  You will lose your momentum.

Energy Killer #4        Being around Negative People and Information:  How do you feel after you talk to each person in your life; drained or energized?  Apply this question to people and situations and you’ll realize who and what saps your energy.  You can make a choice to avoid them.  Talk about your job hunt with only the most supportive and energizing friends, family members, and colleagues and seek out positive acquaintances.  Stay away from toxic people.   It’s amazing how they can drain your energy.  The same is true for the media and news.  If you’re paralyzed after reading the newspaper or watching the news, just avoid them.  You can always go back to it when you’re feeling stronger.  News is blown out of proportion to sell papers or increase television viewers.  Take the news with a grain of salt and continue with your search.

Energy Killer #5        Pursing Work You don’t Love:  If you are going after the same old work, it will be harder to keep trying every day.  Banish mediocrity and seek out work you are passionate about.  Not only will it keep you going, but it also has a surprise bonus; it increases your chances of landing your dream job.  Assume there are other people who have the same skills, but know that your positive energy and motivation can make a big difference in your job hunt.

CONNECT WITH US.   eMail me your letters, inquiries; Let me know your opinions, let’s have your suggestions and ask your questions.  If you’re ready to feel good about yourself, then connect now!

Help is here:  Contact Marge “Magic” Powers for a free consultation at 209.785.2042 or   marge@discoverwinningways.com.  (Would you please call between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.)?   Note:  If I am with a client, I do not answer the phone, so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  Thanks.  ‘Magic’ Powers   J

Marge has written many books in how to improve your lifestyle, career plans, job search activities and/or retirement issues. These books may be reviewed or purchased on her website:  www.discoverwinningways.com.

WINNING WAYS is a Career and Life Coaching firm.  We help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can reclaim your power, build your confidence, commit to your destiny and keep your dignity.  Our mission:  A strong commitment to bringing about real practical changes with huge results in your life. 

Note:   I only work with people who can benefit most from my coaching; such as those who are in transition, open minded, interested in growing and viewing their world as an opportunity full of possibilities.  I enjoy working with people who are committed and motivated to ‘win’ and want to be satisfied in a life that actually works and fits who they are! 

Good thoughts and Best Wishes!

Career and Master NLP Life Learning Advisor