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Monday, May 5, 2014

Uncovering the Mountain Lion Mystique re-run from 2-15-14

As more reports come across my desk of possible mountain lion sightings I felt it was important to, once again, run the February 15, 2014 article regarding Mountain Lions in our area.

Uncovering the Mountain Lion Mystique

In a short interview with Kyle Orr of the Dept Fish and Game regarding the recent attacks on livestock in Copperopolis by mountain lions he attempted to remove some of the mystique, and/or misunderstanding that surround these animals.

According to Orr, mountain lions are "opportunistic predators." What that means is that if an opportunity to dine comes before them, they take it.

Mountain lions preferred meal of choice is deer. Orr also states that the resident deer population in the Copperopolis area "is very healthy." Which in turn creates a more abundance of mountain lions, begetting possibly more domesticated livestock attacks. Feeding of local deer compounds the issue.

Orr stressed that this is normal behavior for the lions and "does not constitute a threat to humans."

With approximately 4,000 to 6,000 mountain lions in residence in the state of California at any one time, attacks on humans is rare, only "15 verified attacks since 1890."

If you spot a mountain lion you may report it to the local Fish and Game department at 916-358-2900, however, if you witness aggressive action from a mountain lion Orr urges you to call 911 as "first responders are best for a situation like that."

Reports of lion spottings help the Dept of Fish and Game track the population/number of possible lions in the area. Your calls can be helpful.