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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Saddle Creek Garden Tour - blossoming with beauty

The 4th annual Saddle Creek Garden Club garden tour was held on May 17, 2014 with four divine home gardens on display.

The homes showed a variety of floriculture, gardening techniques and clever planting ideas, Yet, most interestingly each garden was a small lesson on just what and how to plant successful gardens under Copperopolis's challenging weather and soil conditions.

The annual home garden tour raises funds for the Copperopolis Elementary school garden and beautification as well as for the Community Garden and the Copperopolis Post Office garden.

Thank you Lou and Linda Boitano, Tom and Nancy Dare, Bob and Ellie Egli, and John and Beryl Simkins for opening their gardens for this wonderful community fund raiser.

For more pictures CLICK HERE