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Monday, May 12, 2014

Copperopolis Elementary School receives Title 1 Academic Acheivement Award

Copperopolis Elementary is the recipient of the Title I Academic Achievement Award for 2014.

"I am so excited to share the news that Copperopolis Elementary has received the Title I Achievement Award for 2014. This success is a result of a group effort that includes our staff, families and army of volunteers who support all of the students at Copper Elementary.” Said Principal Karen Vail.

According to Vail, to receive this distinction “the school must demonstrate that all students are making significant progress toward proficiency on California's academic content standards. Additionally, the school's socioeconomically disadvantaged students must have doubled the achievement targets set for them for two consecutive years.”

Only 106 of the 6,000 schools participating in the Title 1 program in California received this award this year.
Copperopolis Elementary has received this award previously in 2005, 2006, and 2011.
Title I is the single largest federal educational program for K-12 public education. The program assists schools in meeting the educational needs of students living at or below the poverty line.