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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Copper Volunteer Fire Association scholarship awarded to

The Copperopolis Volunteer Firefighters Association Dennis Powers $500.00 scholarship was awarded to Robert Gonzales at the Bret Harte Senior Awards night held 5-21-14.

 The award is named after Chief Dennis Powers, Copper Fire Chief for 27 years and given by current Copper Fire Chief Steve Kovacs.

Murphys Fire also presented a scholarship named after Dennis Powers as he was a Battalion Chief with that Dist for many years. Unbeknownst to both Murphys Fire and Copper Fire they both chose the same recipient for the Dennis Powers scholarship award. Well done Robert.

According to Roberts father Kenny Gonzales, Dennis was the driving force for Robert (Bobby) to want to become a firefighter. Robert will be attending college studying Fire Tech in the fall.

To be eligible, candidates must be entering into the fire or ems fields and either attending a 2 or 4 years college.