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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Youth Swim Team

Youth Swim Team
Who: Kids ages 6 to 17 years old 
What: Recreation Youth Swimming
‐ must be able to swim freestyle 25 yards non ‐ stop across the pool unassisted.
When: June 9th ‐ July 26th 
11 ‐ 17 years:9:30 ‐ 10:30
7 ‐ 9 years: 10:30 ‐ 11:30
6‐7 years: 11:30 ‐ 12:00
Where: Bret Harte Aquatic Center, Angels Camp, Ca.
How: Visit www.calaverascountyaquatiks.com
to download forms.
Or sign up at Bret Harte Aquatic Center May 3rd or May 31st from 10am ‐12pm
Cost:$65.00 for the 7 week season if postmarked by 5/31/14.
After 5/31 price is increased to $75.00 Contact Jessica Johnson for more information at 768 ‐ 9149 djing2000@yahoo.com 