Opinion Columns and More


Friday, April 18, 2014

Winning Ways Advice Corner - Are you ready for retirement? by Marge Powers

So, Are You Ready?

Are You Prepared to Manage Your Transition into Retirement?  Have You Developed a Strategy for a Rewarding Future Lifestyle?  Check out the following checklist to discover ‘What Matters’ to you in thinking of retirement and lifestyle changes.

Seven Point Checklist—What Matters?

                                                                                    Mostly             Partially          No
1.      I am clear about who I am, what
motivates me, and my attitudes:             ____               ____               ____
q  I know the major accomplishments in my
retirement/work life, civic, and family life.          ____               ____               ____
q  I know my primary capabilities—skills,
 talents, and expertise.                                           ____               ____               ____   
q  I know the priorities that interest me in
       the areas   of work, learning, and leisure            ____                ____               ____
q  I know what qualities characterize my
      behavior.                                                               ____               ____               ____
q  I’m aware of my most important values
      and beliefs.                                                            ____                ____               ____
q  I love and value myself.                                        ____               ____               ____
q  I have a positive outlook on life.                          ____               ____               ____
q  I try to learn from my mistakes.                            ____               ____               ____
q  I have a sense of humor and know how
to have fun in my life.                                           ____               ____               ____

2.      My relationships with family, friends, and
      associates are clear and prioritized:                  ____                ____               ____
q  I know how I innately learn and process
      data, and how I reach decisions.                          ____               ____               ____
q  I know how to ask for what I want.                     ____               ____               ____
q  I pay attention to emotional needs.                      ____               ____               ____
q  I have nurturing relationships.                              ____               ____               ____

Mostly             Partially          No

q  I continually develop my communication
      and listening skills.                                                ____               ____               ____
q  I belong to a positive support group.                    ____               ____               ____
q  I know how to ask for what I want.                     ____               ____               ____
3.      I am clear on my retirement and/or
      work plans, and intend to continue
     “making a difference:”                                         ____               ____               ____
q  I have an entrepreneurial attitude.                                    ____               ____               ____
q  I have an interest in civic leadership.                     ____               ____               ____
q  I have an interest in mentoring,
      teaching, or consulting.                                         ____                ____               ____
q  I have a small business interest.                            ____                ____               ____
q  I want to work part-time.                                      ____               ____               ____

4.  My financial plans are in order:                         ____               ____               ____
q  I can forecast my annual expenses.                       ____               ____               ____
q  I can forecast my monthly income.                       ____               ____               ____
q  My assets and investments are allocated
      to my satisfaction.                                                ____                ____               ____
q  My estate and tax plans are set.                           ____                ____               ____

5.  My learning and leisure priorities

     are clear:   
q  I know how to relax.                                              ____               ____               ____
q  I know how I want to continue my education,
      formally and/or experientially.                              ____               ____               ____
q  I know how and where I want to travel.             ____                ____               ____
q  I’m clear on which leisure and recreational
      activities I wish to continue or develop.               ____               ____               ____
q  I am interested in learning new things      .           ____               ____               ____

6.  I have decided where I want to live
     in order to implement my plans and
     achieve my goals:                                                   ____               ____               ____
q  My relationship priorities will be met.                  ____               ____               ____
q  My lifework priorities will be met.                       ____               ____               ____
q  My finances will support my plans.                      ____               ____               ____
q  My educational priorities will be met.                  ____               ____               ____

Mostly      Partially       No

q  My leisure priorities will be met.                           ____               ____               ____
q  The geographic area will fit my needs.                 ____               ____               ____

7.      My commitments to my health and
      wellness standards are clear:                              ____               ____               ____
q  I do not smoke.                                                     ____               ____               ____
q  I drink moderately, if at all.                                  ____               ____               ____
q  I am eating nourishing foods.                                ____               ____               ____
q  I am exercising.                                                     ____               ____               ____
q  I have annual checkups.                                        ____               ____               ____
q  I handle stress effectively.                                                ____               ____               ____

Your Scores for the Retirement Questionnaire

80 Plus Yes Answers              60 to 70 Yes Answers                          0 to 59 Yes’s
    Mostly                                      Partially                                             No’s
83% to 100%                          62% to 82%                                        0 to 61 %

Congratulations!  You             You have some introspective             You are NOT clear    
are definitely prepared             work to complete in order to              or ready to retire.  
                                                 effectively plan your
 retirement.                                          It is imperative that
                                                                                                            you start preparing

If you have reached the later years and cannot say “yes” to these questions, it is time to ACT.  Reflecting on these issues and accomplishing new goals will pay you handsome dividends, have profound positive effects on you, your health, the way you approach your life and your world in retirement.

 If too many of your marks fell in the partially or not ready columns, you have some serious work and planning to do.  Start planning the goals you need to work on NOW to get started on the road to a satisfying and meaningful retirement lifestyle:

Call us and we will coach you on how to make the appropriate choices about what you want to do with your life in retirement and get what you really want.  We can help you “Design Your Future Lifestyle”. 

 It is important to know that you have choices about what you want to do with your lives.  You can choose to take a positive attitude or a negative one. Why not choose how you want your life to be…and ACT on your choices!    

Note:  If you decide to participate in the “What’s Next?  Design Your Future Lifestyle  55+ Years and Growing, you will understand how to define where you want to be tomorrow, decide and understand what makes you happy, identify your short and long term goals, and develop a realistic plans to achieve those goals.  Good Luck!

Magic Morsel:    When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. J


eMail me your letters, inquiries; Let me know your opinions, let’s have your suggestions and ask your questions.  If you’re ready to feel good about yourself, then connect now!

Help is here:  Contact me Powers for a free consultation (see contact information below). Would you please call between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.?   Note:  If I am with a client, I do not answer the phone, so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  Thanks.  ‘Magic’ Powers   J

I have written many eBooks in how to improve your lifestyle, career plans, job search activities and/or retirement issues. These books may be reviewed or purchased on her website.

WINNING WAYS is a Career and Life Coaching firm.  We help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can reclaim your power, build your confidence, commit to your destiny and keep your dignity.  Our mission:  A strong commitment to bringing about real practical changes with huge results in your life. 

Note:   To be eligible for Winning Ways coaching, please know that  I only work with people who can benefit most from my coaching; such as those who are in transition, open minded, interested in growing and viewing their world as an opportunity full of possibilities.  I enjoy working with people who are committed and motivated to ‘win’ and want to be satisfied in a life that actually works and fits who they are! 

Good thoughts and Best Wishes!

               WINNING WAYS
Career and Master NLP Life Learning Advisor