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Friday, April 4, 2014

Runner Fire Fee Legislation to Face First Committee Hearing

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Bills 1519 and 1954, two pieces of George Runner sponsored legislation relating to the Fire Prevention Fee, will have their first committee hearings Monday.

AB 1519, authored by Assemblyman Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks), would eliminate the burdensome penalty placed on taxpayers who appeal their Fire Prevention Fee bill and are denied. Under current law, taxpayers who unsuccessfully appeal their Fire Prevention Fee bills are charged an egregious 20% monthly penalty if they fail to pay within 30 days, even if the taxpayer has agreed to an installment payment arrangement.

AB 1954, authored by Assemblywoman Harkey (R-Dana Point), would give taxpayers an additional, unbiased, level of protection by allowing them to appeal their Fire Prevention Fee bills to the Board of Equalization if they are denied by CAL-FIRE.

“The confusing and controversial fire fee is tax policy at its worst,” said George Runner. “It should be eliminated entirely, but until then AB 1519 and AB 1954 are helpful steps to provide some relief from this burdensome tax.”

AB 1519 will be heard in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee, while AB 1954 will be heard in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. Both hearings begin at 1:30 p.m.

George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a taxpayer advocate and elected member of the State Board of Equalization. For more information, visit boe.ca.gov/Runner or calfirefee.com.