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Monday, April 14, 2014

Editor's Note - six years of journalism

It has been 6 years of news for me; one with Copperopolis Today, two with thepinetree.net, three with the Copper Gazette, and three months with the Calaveras Enterprise- and the journalism passion has not waned. If possible, it grows more intense with each passing month. The desire to seek out the truth, to find the good/the bad, and to highlight the amazing; I can never seem to whet my thirst for more.

I appreciate the opportunities extended to me by thepinetree.net and the Calaveras Enterprise, the experience I gleaned from covering a variety of events, the skills I built upon which I learned at the side of Mike Council, have made me a journalist that I am proud of today. Though I still have my many faults, I enjoy every aspect of the field.

I sincerely hope you all enjoy the coverage of our wonderful little town.

Its at this time, I would like to point out that the cost of running this site has, for the most part, come out of my pocket for the past three years. The cost has been offset by advertisers, but has been performed more as a community service with little monetary compensation. I would greatly appreciate your financial support of the Copper Gazette to ensure its existence.

If you would like to donate, please visit the donate button on the top left of the page. 

And as always...happy reading!