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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Donate your old car, truck, tractor, motorcyle, to help raise funds for local VFW Post 12118

Helping the Veterans of the
James D. Piper VFW Post 12118

(Truck, Motorcycle, Boat, Motorhome, Tractor)

You can assist in helping the Veterans of the
James D. Piper VFW Post 12118 by donating your car. We will come and tow away any old or wrecked cars or current running cars. The title to the vehicle is not necessary, but it would be helpful (saves time and trouble with the DMV). All you have to do is call for the vehicle to be picked up and a tow truck come. A Veteran will come and take care of all the paper work, there is no cost to you and your car donation is tax deductible. We thank you for helping the Veterans of VFW Post 12118.

Please call to have your car picked up:
Al Pound 209-534-4208 or email - haroldpound@comcast.net
Vanessa Branham 916-395-8671 or email - branham_vanessa@yahoo.com