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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Community Garden readies for spring planting

At Sunday's community garden clean up approximately 15 volunteers showed up to lend their various talents to the efforts of the garden.

Legumes that had been grown specifically to add composting nutrients to the soil were tilled into some of the rows, where as other rows had various vegetables which had completed their producing cycle tilled in.

Rows of vegetables will be cycled this year so that the ground is not robbed of all its nutrients. Rotating the crops helps to produce healthier crops by reduction of overuse of the soils nutrients.

Many varieties of oregano are available for picking right now as is bee balm, a leafy plant that flowers with glorious fuschia  flowers but holds an age old native american sore throat and fever remedy. When used as a tea, bee balm offers no caffeine, yet proves to be a good a balm for sore throats and headaches. Oil within the leaves was also used to treat insect bites and relieve bronchial congestion.  (Thank you Carla Lucas for this lesson in Bee Balm.)

The garden is always looking for volunteers every Sunday from 12-2 and looking for composting materials.