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Monday, April 14, 2014


SAN ANDREAS – Talking with an older family member about their driving is often difficult.  Most of us put off that talk until the person’s driving has become what we believe to be dangerous. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) implemented the Age Well, Drive Smart program to assist families with this issue. This program was designed to provide older drivers with the KEYS to driving safe and driving longer.

California’s older driver population is numbering about 2.9 million today. It is estimated, there will be over four million residents age 65 and older in California by the year 2020. Knowing that much of this community still relies on driving as their primary means of transportation, the CHP is continuing to promote the Age Well, Drive Smart program.

The program is supported by the Keeping Everyone Safe (KEYS) grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety. The Age Well, Drive Smart class provides education specifically designed to help seniors tune up their driving skills, refresh their rules of the road knowledge, learn about normal age-related physical changes and how they affect driving ability.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) San Andreas Office is hosting a free Age Well, Drive Smart program at the following location:

Thursday, May 8th from 10am – noon, Mark Twain Medical Center, San Andreas

RSVPs must be made via telephone or in person to the San Andreas CHP Office.  For more information or to make reservations for the class, please call (209) 754-3541.