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Thursday, March 20, 2014

"For God and Country" a moving presentation

On Saturday March 8, 2014 Lake TUlloch Bible Church hosted "For God and Country" presentation featuring guest speaker CDR Patrick Neimeyer USN Chaplain.

The ceremony opened with the VFW Post 12118 Honor Guard. Rick Westberg - US Army, Richard Dost - US Navy, Danny Thomas - USMC, and Jay Hennely - USAF. Followed by the National Anthem.

'Pat' took the stage and immediately addressed the concerns of those suffering from PTSD, yet qualifying that statement with "PTSD is a very narrow medical diagnosis, combat (begets) more than PTSD, it can create a moral injury."  He chooses to define this large picture of moral injury as combat stress.

He mentally placed the crowd in conditions from 20 degrees to 140 degrees with 50 pound packs of equipment in hostile environments for 7 to 12 months. Worried about the spouse at home as they hear others whose spouses have left them, suffering survival guilt while their brother died beside them - the one with a wife and children, and the most basic moral injury...that of taking a human life.

After an excessive time of prolonged stress "neurological damage can occur." "Smell, sight, sound can bring an individual right back to a place of combat."

"I expect the number of individuals with combat stress to increase with time."

After years of study and work with those suffering from combat stress CDR Niemeyer has found that "christian based therapy is the most successful when dealing with combat stress."


Local licensed MFT counselor, Larry Hicks, has stepped up to the plate and is offering - free of charge- his 30 plus years of experience and his work with the VA to hold a  faith based PTSD therapy group in Copperopolis using the Combat Trauma Healing Manual."With the VA cutting services to those suffering PTSD," Larry felt he was being called to this service to those who have served.

Brenda Hicks, CADAC (certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor), would also like to begin a group for the wives, “When War Comes Home”. The wives are often the forgotten victims of war.

If you would like more information regarding this group please contact Larry at 209 743-2902, or Brenda at 209 559-1892. Or via email to   larrylmft@caltel.com