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Monday, March 24, 2014

Copper Senior chooses Community Garden as senior project

17 year old Darrell Lucas has chosen the Copperopolis Community Garden as his senior project.

"I wanted to do something that helped the community." So Darrell, who had worked side-by-side with his parents as they volunteered in the garden, hatched a plan that he would take over the onion production part of the garden. The onion production produces approximately 1000 onions for the Copperopolis Food Pantry.

Darrel began in earnest late November working with mentor Richard DeBussman learning how to start onions from seed.

Spending a couple hours every weekend since November Darrell says he "didn't realize what an undertaking this was." But was rewarded when he missed a few weekends and upon his return he saw that 'his' onions had not only grown immensely but had flourished.

"I learned to rototill, prepare soil, seed and transplant. I learned how to garden organically" using compost and natural weed sprays. Of his mentor he says, "I don't think its possible to retain everything Richard has taught me."

Darrell also learned to lead. As he took charge of the onion program he also had to guide adults in the management of the rows, the transplanting, the watering, etc. "This has given him leadership ability." Said George Chimiklis, a community garden volunteer.

"People would come to the garden willing to help and learn, even though  some may know more than me." said Darrell.

Darrell hopes to go into nursing and has applied to some UC's and a nursing college.

His mentor Richard said, "Darrel has been as delightful as his mother is to work with. He is a prompt, hard working young man, and he has friends who he recruits." Richard hopes another senior next year will consider adopting the Community Garden for their Senior Project.