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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Interview with Pat Garrahan, candidate for Sheriff

Pat Garrahan, Calaveras County resident of 22 years, threw his hat in the ring for the June 3, 2014 election running for Calaveras County Sheriff against incumbent Sheriff Gary Kuntz.

"I love this county...the people need and deserve good leadership...I have the experience and knowledge" to deliver that leadership.

Garrahan served in the USMC as an MP, continued his law enforcement career with the Oakland police department, retiring after 23 years in 2008 as a Lieutenant. Soon after retirement Garrahan was approached by the DOD (Department of Defense) to serve as an advisor for the USMC stationed in Afghanistan. He was tasked with training police related tasks: handling persons, weapons collection, evidence collection and biometrics (identifying measurable characteristics to identify people). He was the subject matter expert for the Battalion.

Courtesy photo.

When asked about his connection with previous Sheriff Dennis Downum, Garrahan stated that he had little contact with Dennis throughout the years. They both worked at OPD but "did not travel in the same circles or otherwise work together."

He was contacted by Downum in 2010 while in Afghanistan and asked to run for Sheriff. At the time his wife pulled the papers but after great thought Garrahan felt he could not do justice to the people of the county with his return to America scheduled just months prior to the election and removed himself from the race.

Deciding again to run in 2013 Garrahan did contact Downum, "After I had decided to run, I contacted Dennis, told him of my decision and discussed the process with him. I believe it would be foolish not to have that discussion with a man who ran successfully four times."

On the budget:
Garrahan would like to work cooperatively with the CCP to make sure all AB109 monies are allocated correctly. "The Sheriff Dept is not the only organization" utilizing AB109 funds, the "success of the system is contingent on functionality."

"I would like to actively seek funds"within the county that are earmarked "with intention for public safety."

"I am in favor of looking into what we can do for ourselves. We have people in the Sheriff Dept who have grant writing knowledge and have written grants."

Youth outreach:
"I would like to reach out to all citizens of Calaveras... ROP at Calaveras High School...possible growth of Explorer program..."

Baliff issue:
"The Sheriff Department is tasked with the security of the court, but the court could help" offset the costs of additional baliffs needed for the new larger courthouse.

New jail:
"I would like to have concrete planning, a 2 year, 5 year, 10 year plan" for the facility. To man the jail "I would like to explore grant funding for staffing." To utilize the enormity of the jail, "I would consider Federal and State prisoners." With a possible contract with Amador and Tuolumne Counties for their overflow.

Concealed carry permits:
"If a person meets the criteria...and they apply, they will get a CCW."

Garrahan holds a BA in Criminal Justice and an MS in Criminology.

Charity Maness

Updated 2-6-14 to include CCW information.