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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gov issues statement on three-judge court order

SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the statement below following today’s order from the Three-Judge Court:

“It is encouraging that the Three-Judge Court has agreed to a two-year extension. The state now has the time and resources necessary to help inmates become productive members of society and make our communities safer.”

 A panel of federal judges Monday gave California two more years to cut its prison population to a level originally ordered in 2009, a move that once again gives the state more breathing room to comply, but also establishes a non-negotiable deadline.
The order from the three-judge panel delayed an April deadline to reduce the prison population to about 112,000 inmates. California remains more than 5,000 inmates over a limit set by the courts, even though the state has built more prison space and used some private cells.

Read more at Fresno Bee

Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/2014/02/10/3762118/judges-give-calif-2-years-to-fix.html#storylink=cpy