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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Copper Fire memorial flag poles erected

Last weekend while we were all enjoying Prime Rib at the Old Corner or Crab at the Lions Club crab feed, the volunteer and paid staff of Copper Fire were erecting their memorial flag poles.

The idea, hatched by Engineer Nick Maness and Paramedic/Engineer Matt Sowell, was presented to the Volunteer Firefighter Association for funding in December. President Don Rollings said he felt it was a great idea.

So with funding available Maness purchased steel piping and proceeded to put his welding skills to use by creating two 250 pound steel flag poles with cleats, pulleys and a finished top made ready for a brass dome (yet to be delivered). Each pole is equiped with solar lights so that the flags will be lit at night.

The volunteers and staff cleaned around the McCarty Memorial stone discovering a beautiful cement Maltese cross surrounded the memorial. They cleaned some more and bordered the Maltese cross with white rock and painted the cement red.
