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Monday, December 30, 2013

County to possibly look for new location for Copper Library

The Copperopolis library has had its fair share of drama in the past few years what with threats of closure, water damage in a previous rental and multiple moves due to budget constraints, but this time the county has no intention of closing the library, they are just researching a possible relocation.

According to Lori Norton, County Administrative Officer, the goal of the County is to get "the best value for the tax dollar."

With this said the county administration is in the process of negotiating lease terms with multiple properties including the current property location, which has changed ownership in the last few months. Upon completion of their research the admin office will present a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

There are two tentatively scheduled meetings of the Board of Supervisors in January, January 14, and January 28, it is not known at this time on which agenda this item will be placed.

The Copper Gazette will follow up with this story as more information becomes available.