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Monday, November 4, 2013

CDCR Operation BOO checks on 1,267 sex offenders resulting 90 arrests

Sweep results in 90 arrests statewide; weapons, drugs and child porn confiscated
SACRAMENTO – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) parole agents arrested 90 of the 1,267 sex-offender parolees who were contacted during compliance checks or searches as part of the 20th annual Operation Boo Child Safety Project on Halloween night 2013.  Most of the arrests were for violations of special conditions of parole; however some offenses were more serious, prompting new charges to be filed against six of the sex-offender parolees.  Six other parolees were found to be out of compliance with their requirements to register as sex offenders.

“The 90 arrests among sex-offender parolees – for possession of child pornography, narcotics, weapons, and other parole violations – and the six new charges, prove that our statewide efforts with Operation Boo on Halloween night are well-founded and necessary,” said Dan Stone, Director of the Division of Adult Parole Operations.  

In addition to the traditional compliance checks, this year Operation Boo included two other features:

•    Parent Empowerment:  CDCR provided a free downloadable brochure with helpful information about ways to talk to children about dangerous behavior in adults, and Internet links for parents to check for sex-offenders in their area. 

•    Transient Sex-Offender Curfew Centers:  Because a significant number of sex-offenders are homeless, transient sex-offenders in most regions were ordered to report to a center to spend the curfew under supervision. Statewide, several special transient sex-offender curfew centers were operated Halloween night.  

For more information about Operation Boo please visit: www.cdcr.ca.gov