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Saturday, November 9, 2013

CalFire press release re: ash disposal

Ash Disposal

San Andreas –October was a historically dry month and November is continuing with the same dry weather pattern.  Fall brings cooler nighttime temperatures which increase the use of wood burning stoves and fireplaces.  Have a professional inspect and clean your chimney, stovepipe and/or furnace annually.  Below are some tips for disposing of ashes from wood burning stoves and fireplaces:
­Make sure ashes are cool/cold.
­Transport ashes outside in a sturdy container.
­Review the surrounding vegetation and choose a spot which is mostly bare soil.
­Use the extinguishing a campfire method – drown and stir the ashes to make sure there are no hot spots and the ashes are cold.

Prevention Bureau Battalion Chief, Matt Gilbert, says “When ashes are left in a pile they can smolder for days and with the slightest of winds they can be blown into nearby dry vegetation.  Local fire personnel have responded to 3 fires this week in which a total of 9 acres were burned due to improper ash disposal.” 

Unit Chief, Josh White, reminds citizens, “Burning is still suspended and will remain suspended until a significant change in the weather pattern brings several days of soaking wetting rains into the area.  Due to overly dry conditions this suspension has been in place for an extended amount of time this season.”
For more information on fire safety visit us at: www.fire.ca.gov