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Monday, October 21, 2013

Flu Vaccine Clinics - Public Health


Fall brings cooler temperatures and the start of the flu season.  Getting flu vaccine early offers greater protection throughout flu season.  The Calaveras County Public Health Department recommends everyone 6 months of age and older get flu vaccine every year.

Flu season can start as early as October and continue through March.  “Seasonal flu can be serious,” stated Dr. Dean Kelaita, County Health Officer.  “Every year people die from the flu,” added Kelaita. 

Some children, youth and adults are at risk of serious illness and possibly death if they are not protected from the flu.  They need to get flu vaccine now. 

·         Adults 50 years of age and over
·         Pregnant women
·         Children and youth 5-18 years on long term aspirin therapy
·         Everyone with chronic health conditions (including diabetes, kidney, heart or lung disease)

If you care for an infant less than 6 months or persons with chronic health conditions, you can help protect them by getting your flu vaccine.  Even if you had a flu vaccination last year, you need another one this year to be protected and to protect others who are at risk. 

Public Health Department Seasonal Flu Clinics

October 17th
Angels Camp
St. Patrick’s Church
820 South Main Street
10 am -11:30 am


October 22nd
Valley Springs
Good Samaritan Community Church
4684 Baldwin Street
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
October 24th  
Independence Hall
1445 Blagen Road
10 am -12:00 pm

Flu vaccine will also be available at the weekly Monday Immunization Clinic [3:00 pm – 5:30 pm and Thursday Immunization Clinic [8:00 am – 12:00 pm] at the Public Health office, 700 Mountain Ranch Road, Suite C2, San Andreas starting September 26th.  The monthly Valley Springs Immunization Clinic [third Tuesday, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm] will also offer flu vaccine during flu season.

The flu vaccine is $16.  Medicare Part B is accepted.  No one will be denied service due to inability to pay.  For more information about the vaccine or the clinics, contact the Public Health Department at 754.6460 or visit the Public Health website at www.calaveraspublichealth.com.