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Thursday, August 22, 2013

RIM fire at 53,866 acres and 2% containment

The Rim fire has transitioned into unified command with Cal Fire and Forest Service on August 21 at 2:00 p.m.
Fire continues its eastward spread along Packerd Canyon Road and Pilot Ridge. Structure defense continues for San Jose Camp, Spinning Wheel and Tawonga Camp as the fire moves up the middle fork of the Tuolumne.
The fire continues to spread northwest burning past Butcher Knife Ridge and moving into Grapevine Creek; northeast up the Tuolumne River Drainage from the Gravel Range past Jones Point Lookout; and continue to spread southeast edge along Hwy 120 to the east.
Firing operations have begun on Ferretti Rd. as the fire progress west towards the community of Pine Mountain Lake. Direct suppression methods have been successful.
The availability of fixed wing air craft is pertinent to the success of suppression operations. The use of Maffs C-130s and the V-LAT DC-10 has greatly improved suppression efforts. Use of Military Rotary wing aircraft continues today.
In the next 24 hours the fire is expected to continue up the Tuolumne River canyon, and continue its spread to the north and east.
Due to inaccessible, steep terrain and active fire behavior a combination of direct and indirect attack will be used on this incident. Direct line suppression efforts are impeded by difficult access and steep inaccessible terrain. Active fire behavior today raises safety concerns for crews adjacent to the fire’s edge. Smoke exposure within the deep drainage of the Clavey River will be an issue for fire crews as well.
The South Central Sierra Interagency Incident Management Team is managing the Fire as of August 18, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.

Basic Information

Incident TypeWildfire
CauseUnder Investigation
Date of OriginSaturday August 17th, 2013 approx. 03:15 PM
LocationGroveland Range District, Stanislaus NF
Incident CommanderDavid Cooper

Current Situation

Total Personnel1,356
Size53,866 acres
Percent Contained2%
Fuels InvolvedBrush, Oaks, and Pine
Fire BehaviorThe fire burned actively throughout the day and night. Active fire continued to move up Cherry Creek and the Tuolumne River Canyon.
Significant EventsStructure defense continues. Highway 120 is closed four miles west of Groveland Ranger Station and four miles east of Buck Meadows. Ferretti Road was closed. Access to the fire is still a concern for fire crews and equipment


Planned ActionsContinued fixed wing air support.
Growth PotentialExtreme
Terrain DifficultyExtreme
RemarksThe Rim Fire has transitioned into unified command with CalFire. Approximately 2,500 structures are threatened to the west of Ferretti Road north of Highway 120. Fire continues to spread eastward. Due to inaccessible, steep terrain and active fire behavior a combination of direct and indirect attack will be used on this incident.

Current Weather

Wind Conditions 5-11 mph SW
Temperature43-55 degrees