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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Live On! Suicide Prevention Walk-A-Thon - mark the date 9-14-13

Angels Camp, CA... Live On ! Suicide Awareness and Prevention - Save The Date! Save A Life!
We’re Having Our 4th Annual Walk-A-Thon
Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013 8am - Noon
Bret Harte High School Track ...

$25 Registration Fee or
FREE with $25 in Qualifying Sponsorships
The week of Sept 9-14th is the National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week.
We will be having guest speakers. DJ Dave's going to be donating his time and tunes for us too!
Come Out of the Darkness and Show Your Support. Come walk with us. (Pledge form attached)
Help us to break the stigma and end the silence of suicide. Depression is treatable.
We are desperately in need of volunteers to assist prior to the event and day of the event. No experience necessary, just the desire to help a few women raise the awareness and prevention of suicide. We couldn’t do it without you. We are in need of some able bodies to help set-up and dismantle, sell raffle tickets, sponsors to help fund or donate products (water, energy bars, breakfast items, etc), raffle prizes, etc. Tax deductible! (Donation form attached.) We will be out and about pounding the pavement to collect donations. Please call, e-mail or text any one of us:
Kim Molina 559-6648 or missmtnlady1@hotmail.com, Gaye Brown 559-7259 or glbrown11crew@yahoo.com, or
Dana Milgrim 728-1900 (bus) 768-2247 (cell) or sacamain@comcast.net or Gloria Reis (209) 263-2264
We thank you in advance for helping us save lives!