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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Have a horse trailer, pasture, cow trailer? You may be able to help displaced animals from the RIM fire.

Currently there are areas in the vicinty of the RIM fire that are under advisory of possible fire danger, which means these areas have not been evacuated but may be affected adversly by the fire. Those who live in an advisory area have the option to leave or stay. Some are wishing to leave but have livestock to move.

This is where you may be able to help.

The Tuolumne County Animal Control is creating a list of trailer/pasture owners for the possible eventuality of moving livestock from the fire area. You can call and leave your name, number and size of trailer as well as size of pasture (if available) and if they receive a call of a livestock owner in need of assistance they will give that owner your name and number. Coordinating moving of the animals will be between the trailer/pasture owner and the livestock owner. Animal Control would like to be clear that this is not an Animal Control operation. This is a "people helping people" operation they are simply maintaining a list of resources and matching them to the needs.

If you would like to be added to the list of possible livestock movers please call 984-1338 and be brief as they would like the lines to stay open for emergency calls also.

DO NOT go into the fire area on your own.