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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Selma Sattin shares her artistic talent through a free art class at Town Hall Arts

Selma Sattin - a featured artisit of Town Hall Arts - shared her love of nature and her passion for art with children and adults last week at a free watercolor class held at Town Hall Arts.

Selma began her artistic journey after thirty years in the nursing profession. Studying with Murphy's artist Carolyn Macpherson, Selma quickly developed her own style and feel. Today her journey continued with the instruction of sketching, mixing colors and learning the technique 'water color wash' all while using ladybugs, spiders, dragonflies and more as models.

Alonnah enjoyed drawing the spider, Angel enjoyed the wasp and 7 year Tristan really liked drawing the butterfly. But the class was not limited to just youth as a few adults sat on a waiting list in hopes of gleaning some more artisitc insight from Selma. Karen and Carolyn drove all the way from Waterford in hopes of attending one of Selma's classes. Carolyn beamed when she found she was able to attend, "I am fascinated with her (Selma's) work" she said as she practiced her sketching of a ladybug to paint. Karen, a retired school teacher, had taught basic art in her classes but felt she had never really grasped the true feeling of art and was excited to be learning from Selma.

If you would like more information about art classes held at Town Hall arts please call 785-2050.