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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Awaiting rate increase vote at CCWD - updated

Approximately 100 plus people attended the CCWD Public Hearing held this morning, 7-10-13, to vent their frustration with the proposed rate increases.

At 12:41 the vote has yet to be cast.

The CCWD board room was filled to capacity with pop ups and a sound system set up in the parking lot outside.

Open to comment and question as per agenda the Board would only entertain comments no questions.  Most comments revolved around the proposed rate increase. Those people commenting were reminded to comment only on items not on the agenda.

Larry Foster of Copperopolis received a round of applause when he approached the Board and stated "we hold each of you accountable."

CCWD General Manager Mitch Dion pointed to the break in the water line in Arnold as a capitol improvement that should have been addressed to avoid excess overtime and property damage costs. However in the same statement he stated that that particular line had been highlighted in 2007 as a line needing replacement and or repair. He stated that there was a complete list compiled in 2007 of repairs needed within the system, he did not comment on how many of those repairs had been completed to date.

The Board had requested that if the proposed increase were to occur that complete transperancy of the funds would be required. Director Davison further requested that CCWD ensure that the funds raised would be dedicated to capitol improvements. As the raise in 2007 only allotted 25% of funds collected were for capitol improvements but were never placed in a designated fund.

Further issues were raised by management stating that they have only one year left to comply with StateTSR, an allotment of time allowed by the state to come to compliance with water and waste water facilities, leaving them a short amount of time to comply.

Update : In a 4/1 vote the CCWD Board approved rate hikes in water for the first three years with none in years 4 and 5 and rate hikes in waste water for only two years.
CCWD Counsel
CCWD Board
Rate payer