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Monday, April 22, 2013

Board of Supervisors 4-23-13 preliminary agenda

April 23, 2013


On the website, items with supporting documentation may be linked for viewing.


891 Mountain Ranch Rd, San Andreas, California

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors at 209/754-6370 at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting.  Notification in advance will allow reasonable arrangements to be made to ensure accessibility to this meeting.  Government Code §54954.2(a).

The agenda packet and supporting documentation are available for public review in the Clerk-Recorder’s Office, during regular business hours.

8:00 AM:   Call to Order

1.      CLOSED  SESSION - Conference  with  legal counsel; anticipated litigation, significant exposure to litigation (one  case); based on Claim No. 12-16  - Calaveras Public Utility District filed August 23, 2012, pursuant to Government Code Section  54956.9(d)(2); County Counsel – Board action:

2.      CLOSED  SESSION; Public Employee Appointment or Employment ( County  Administrative Officer) pursuant to Government  Code Section 54957(b)(1).

9:00 AM:   Pledge of Allegiance

3.     Adopt a RESOLUTION proclaiming May 16-19, 2013 as the Weekend of the Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee; Administration – Board action:

9:00 AM to 9:30 AM:  PUBLIC COMMENT
Any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and is not posted on the Consent or Regular agendas may be addressed during the Public Comment period.  California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not posted on the agenda unless it is determined to be an emergency by the Board of Supervisors.  If Public Comment is not completed during the allotted time period, it will be continued at the conclusion of the Regular Agenda in order to provide an opportunity for the remainder of comments to be heard. 

Consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  Any board member, staff member or interested party may request removal of an item from the consent agenda for later discussion. 

4.      MINUTES of meeting held on March 12, 19, 26 and April 9, 2013 – Board action:

5.      CORRESPONDENCE:  March 30 – April 12, 2013 (see attached) – Board action:

6.      Authorize a MINUTE ORDER approving award from the California Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) Boating Safety for funding of the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office Marine Safety Unit for FY 2013-14 in the amount of $174,926; Sheriff – Board action:

7.      Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of three patrol vehicles and one jail transport van from Folsom Lake Ford for a total cost of $202,801.51 and approving the attached budget transfers of $5,424 and $4,179 accordingly for FY 12-13 requiring a 4/5’s vote of the Board Of Supervisors; Sheriff – Board action:

8.      Approve a RESOLUTION that approves the application for funding for the 2012-2013 State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Grant cycle; Sheriff – Board action:

9.      Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign amendment 01 to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with First 5 Calaveras for mental health prevention and early intervention services, reducing the annual payment amount for July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 by $6,000 to $194,000 and increasing the annual payment amount for July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 by $6,000 to $206,000, without changing the total amount payable under the MOU; Behavioral Health – Board action:

10.    Approve a MINUTE ORDER: 1) Authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign agreements for community based mental health support group services with two organizations for a total of $23,680 for the period of April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 as follows: The Resource Connection $17,280, BeyondFear, Inc. $6,400, 2) Authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign subsequent amendments to the agreements; Behavioral Health – Board action:

11.    Approve MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign the Agreement between Calaveras County Superior Court and Calaveras County to provide outpatient drug counseling services for the Drug Court program through the County’s Behavioral Health Services – Substance Abuse Program in the amount of $14,788.68 for the period of July 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013; Behavioral Health – Board action:

12.    Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Board Chair to sign Amendment 1-R to Agreement No. 1017789 with the Public Health Institute for year 2 funding of $237,000 during September 30, 2012 – September 29, 2013 for the CA4Health Project; Public Health - Board action:

13.    Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Board Chair to sign Agreements for community based mental health support group services with two organizations for a total of $16,000 for the period of April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 as follows:  The Resource Connection - $9,600 and BeyondFear, Inc. - $6,400; Behavioral Health – Board action:

14.      Adopt RESOLUTION allowing for contractual agreement between Calaveras County and El Dorado County for two (2) juvenile hall contract beds per day at El Dorado County Juvenile Detention Facility at a rate of $100.00 per bed, per day, whether or not the bed is occupied; Probation – Board action:

15.      Adopt RESOLUTION allowing for contractual agreement between Calaveras County and El Dorado County for juvenile hall beds at El Dorado County Juvenile Detention Facility on an as-needed/non-reserved/space-available basis at a rate of $120.00 per bed, per day; Probation – Board action:

16.      Adopt a RESOLUTION to adjust FY2012-13 Calaveras Works & Human Services Agency Budget Appropriations per the attached budget transfer form to reflect the increase in capital asset expenditure from $65,000 to $66,522 to purchase two county vehicles which were approved at FY2012/13 Final Budget and adjust the Books of Record; CalWorks – Board action:

17.      A MINUTE ORDER approving a Budget Change Request to increase Revenue Item #4456 in the amount of $2,000 and increase Expenditure Item #5413 in the amount of $2,000.  This will allow utilization of a Federal LSTA grant to be used for 2014 Study Books and Software Programs to assist adult GED & Literacy students; Adult Tutoring – Board action:

18.      Receive Calaveras County Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Year 2012; Planning – Board action:

If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please come to the rostrum and give your name and comments.  Time limits and order of items shall be at the discretion of the Chair.

19.          1:30 PM:  Study Session: State Route 4/Wagon Trail Improvement Project Update; Public Works

20.          Noticed PUBLIC HEARING pursuant to Government Code Section 65090 for  2012-003 Zoning Amendment for William & Margaret Pahland and Virginia Roudebush and Negative Declaration to rezone real property in the unincorporated portion of Calaveras County from TP (Timber Production) to RA-20 (Residential Agriculture – 20 acre minimum parcel size) based on the written recommendation of the Planning Commission.   The area, comprised of three (3) contiguous parcels, totals 204.7± acres is located in the West Point Residential Center.  The subject property is located approximately ¼ of mile north east from the intersection of Hwy 26 and Winton Road in West Point.  APN: 004-024-019 is located in the south ½ of Section 35, T07N, R13E and APN’s:  008-025-016 & 008-025-0029 are located in the north ½ of Section 02, T06N, R13E, MDM; Planning – Board action:

21.          Adoption and waiver of the reading requirements of an ORDINANCE amending Title 20 of the County Code, Regulations for County Areas, to add Chapter 20.20 Tulloch Reservoir Short Term Vacation Rentals; Planning – Board action:

22.          Approve a MINUTE ORDER 1) Authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign Standard Agreement  #12-89357 with the California Department of Health Care Services in the amount of $8,113,337,000 for the provision of specialty mental health services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries of Calaveras County for the period of May 1, 2013 – April 30, 2018 and 2) Authorizing the Health Services Agency Director to sign amendments to the Agreement; Behavioral Health – Board action:

23.          Adopt a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the County Administrative Officer to approve a purchase order contract in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to Durst Contract Interiors to fabricate, deliver and install new furniture for the Calaveras County Adult Detention Facility and Sheriff Office Project; Kitchell/Administration – Board action:

24.          Adopt a MINUTE ORDER pursuant to Civil Code Section 9364 accepting Flintco Pacific Inc.’s Release Bond for Butte Steel & Fabrication, Inc. Stop Payment Notice; Administration/Kitchell – Board action:

25.       Discussion and possible action re: Approval of MINUTE ORDER appointing applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas; Board of Supervisors – Board action:

26.       Review of correspondence, reports and various matters of concern of the Board and staff.

CORRESPONDENCE – April 23, 2013
The Board May Take Action on Any of the Following Items:
April 2, 2013
1.     From:  Mountain ranch Subdivision CSD; re:  Financial Assistance for Maintenance of Mills Avenue; Wright, CAO, Counsel
April 4, 2013
2.     From:  Calaveras County Public Health; re:  Public Health Walk; Board, CAO, Counsel
3.     From:  CCWD; re:  April 10 meeting agenda; Board, CAO, Counsel
April 10, 2013
4.     From:  Central valley Regional Water Quality Control Board; re:  April 25 meeting agenda; Board, CAO, Counsel, Post
April 11, 2013
From:  CalFire; re:  Timber Harvest Plan; Callaway, Wright, CAO, Counsel, Post

May 7 Special Meeting
·         Study Session:  FY 2013/14 Recommended Budget
May 14
·         Board Policy and Procedures Action
·         Study Session:  Property Tax System
May 28
·         Study Session:  Biosolids Disposal; PW/Edson
June 11 – 14
·         FY 2013/14 Preliminary Budget Hearings
July 30
·         Special Meeting at 6:00 PM
September 10 – 13
·         FY 2013/14 Final Budget Hearings
October 29
·         Special Meeting at 6:00 PM
No Date Yet
·         Fish & Game Commission Governing Document and Conflict of Interest Code; Board Clerk
·         RFQ and Master Facilities Plan Update; Administration