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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


VFW National Commander Testifies on Veterans’ Behalf to Cap the 2013 VFW Legislative Conference

WASHINGTON­ – During today’s testimony before a joint hearing of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees, the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (VFW) pledged the organization will not let America’s veterans be forgotten by Congress or the Administration.
Today’s testimony comes just days after the announcement of mandatory Department of Defense budget cuts brought on by sequestration.  
 “The VFW is deeply concerned about the impact sequestration will have on the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense budgets. Maybe not this year, but in future budget submissions, and how that reduction in programs and services will impact our troops returning from Afghanistan, our veterans, and their families,” VFW National Commander John E. Hamilton, a Vietnam War Marine Corps rifleman and triple Purple Heart recipient, told the committees.
Since September 11, 2001, more than 50,000 service members have been wounded in action. Furthermore, data shows that more than half of all Iraq and Afghanistan veterans treated by the VA have suffered some sort of mental trauma, a fourth for PTSD. Other research suggests those numbers reach far higher.
“These numbers are staggering, and our efforts to provide the best possible mental health care for our newest war veterans must also include those who faithfully served in the past,” said Hamilton.  

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