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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mark Twain Medical Center Announces 4th Annual Spring Health Fair & Lupus Awareness Fun/Run Walk

Mark Twain Medical Center (MTMC) will be holding its 4th Annual Health Fair and Lupus Fun/Run Walk on Saturday, March 23rd, at Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys.
Over forty community health related service groups will participate in this community-wide event. A wealth of information will be available on topics such as senior health services, nutrition, fitness and diabetes. There will also be a variety of free health screenings – body fat, physical fitness levels, colon cancer, stress levels, and metabolic screenings. Low cost testing and services include Blood Analysis ($45), and Bone Density Screenings ($10).

In addition to the five-panel blood analysis (this test consists of a chemistry panel, thyroid, complete blood count, lipid panel, iron for women, and PSA for men), the Medical Center will also now screen for vitamin D deficiencies.
The 4th Annual Calaveras 5k Fun/Run Walk for Lupus Awareness in memory of Linda Jean Mundy will also be held on the day of the Health Fair. The fees are $10 for children ages 6 to 12 and $20 for ages 13+; with children under age 6 being free. For race information, call Paul Mundy @ (209) 754-2604.