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Tuesday, March 12, 2013


General Plan Land Use Map Draft #2
Joint Study Session with Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission
March 19, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Board of Supervisors Chambers, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas
The purpose of the study session is to introduce Draft #2 of the General Plan Land Use Map, its land use categories, comments received on Draft #1, and various data associated with the new map. Comments from the public will be solicited but note that comments received from the public during a study session are not considered public comments for the record. Such comments can be made for the record during noticed public hearings on the project, which will occur at a later date.
The first draft of the General Plan Land Use Map was released in February 2012 and depicted land use designations for the County’s natural resource lands (forests, agriculture, mining) and most of its communities. The communities of Copperopolis, Valley Springs, San Andreas and District 2 were not included as additional time was needed for these areas. Land uses for these areas are now included in Draft #2.
Staff received approximately 120 comments on Draft #1 including about 80 land use change requests. These requests were carefully evaluated against a set of criteria and a determination made whether the request could be granted. All granted requests were incorporated into Draft #2 and the requests and staff’s recommendations are contained in a chart that will be available on-line.
Draft #2 of the land use map can be viewed using a unique tool developed by Planning and GIS staff. The viewer can identify the current (1996), Draft #1 and Draft #2 general plan land use designations for any parcel within the county. Click to see viewer.  The maps are also viewable in hard copy at the Planning Department (891 Mountain Ranch Road). When available, the staff report and accompanying data can be accessed online on the General Plan Update webpage and at the Planning Department. For questions please contact the Planning Department at gpupdate@co.calaveras.ca.us or 209.754.6394