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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tulloch Spring refill has begun

According to Susan Larson of Tri-Dam, "The testing of the spill gates at the dam has been completed, as has the maintenance work which entailed painting of the gates.  The reservoir is in the process of being brought back to the normal winter levels, as specified by the schedule established by the Bureau of Reclamation."

'The Spring 2013 Tulloch fill schedule will be done in two phases. The first phase will take place between February 8 and March 20, when the reservoir pool will be raised back to the normal winter elevation of 501.6 ft. The rate of fill will approximately follow the daily ranges below, but there may be substantial variations due to natural inflow or storm events. Since this phase of the reservoir fill is not governed by USACE flood control requirements, any extra inflow will be retained rather than released.

The second phase of the reservoir fill will follow the typical spring fill procedures, which follow the USACE flood control curve upward. During this phase, the reservoir will be managed to the given target elevation ranges as much as possible. Some variations may still occur due to large natural inflows or facility and operational constraints.'