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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ponte to take Community Plan to the Community

Questioning whether the population at large in Copperopolis is aware of the community plan and its momentum, Supervisor Ponte plans on visiting with homeowners associations, groups and other local venues to explain what has been accomplished to date at the CCPAC (Copperopolis Community Planning Advisory Committee) meetings. "I hope to take the show on the road." Said Ponte of the plan.

She plans on informing the public of the boundaries within the community plan, the goals, the policies and the vision statement. Rebecca Willis, Planning Dept, stated that it would be important for the community to know these things as well as items such as "school sites in Copper."

This will not be a venue for the community to share their feelings on the various stages of the planning as that has been occurring at the monthly meetings for the last 10 months. Ponte plans the meetings to be informational in nature however Ponte did state she would gather data over the 3-6 months she plans on presenting the material.

If you would like Supervisor Ponte to visit with your group please contact her at dponte@co.calaveras.ca.us

Charity Maness 

update 2-6-13 1:12 pm