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Monday, February 25, 2013

Board of Supervisors 2-26-13 preliminary meeting agenda

February 26, 2013



891 Mountain Ranch Rd, San Andreas, California

8:00 AM:  Call to Order

1.           CLOSED SESSION:  conference with legal counsel; anticipated litigation-significant exposure to litigation (one case), pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2);  County Counsel- Board action:

2.           CLOSED SESSION: conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation – initiation of litigation, (two cases) pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (d)(4); County Counsel - Board action.

9:00 AM:   Pledge of Allegiance

9:00 AM to 9:30 AM:  PUBLIC COMMENT

3.          PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD:  Any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and is not posted on the Consent or Regular agendas may be addressed during the Public Comment period.  California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not posted on the agenda unless it is determined to be an emergency by the Board of Supervisors.  If Public Comment is not completed during the allotted time period, it will be continued at the conclusion of the Regular Agenda in order to provide an opportunity for the remainder of comments to be heard. 

If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please come to the rostrum and give your name and your comments.  Time limits and order of items shall be at the discretion of the Chair.

Consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  Any board member, staff member or interested party may request removal of an item from the consent agenda for later discussion.  On the website, items with supporting documentation may be hyperlinked for viewing.

4.          MINUTES of meeting held on February 12, 2013 – Board action:

5.          CORRESPONDENCE:    February 2 - 15, 2013 (see attached) – Board action:

6.          Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Board Chair to: 1.) Sign Amendment Number 1 to Agreement No. 1017789 with the Public Health Institute for year 2 funding of $237,000 during September 30, 2012 – September 29, 2013 for the CA4Health Project.  2.) Sign Amendment Number 2 to Agreement No. 1017789 with the Public Health Institute for carry forward funding of $154,452 from year 1 of the CA4Health Project for expenditure during September 30, 2011 – September 29, 2013; Public Health – Board action:

7.          Approve MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign Amendment 01 to the Agreement with Raney Planning & Management for the provision of professional planning and environmental consultant services, transferring $10,799 from a prior expired Agreement dated November 16, 2011 to the current Agreement dated November 13, 2012, bringing the total not to exceed amount of the current Agreement to $310,759; Planning – Board action:

8.          Approve MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign a Fee and Retainer Agreement with Remy Moose Manley, LLP for the provision of legal advice regarding the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and planning and zoning law issues associated with updating the County’s General Plan. This agreement supersedes two prior Agreements dated October 2006 and June 2011. The not-to-exceed amount of the 2013 Agreement is $115,793; Planning – Board action:

9.        Approve a RESOLUTION consolidating Special District Elections with the Statewide General Election in accordance with Election Code §10404; Elections – Board action:

10.       Adopt a MINUTE ORDER approving a three tiered Foster Care Specialized Care Increment Rate and the County Clothing Allowance for Foster Care Children effective upon date of Board approval for FY 2012/13; CalWorks – Board action:

11.       Approve a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Board Chair to sign the Agreement between Calaveras County and Mental Health America of Northern California for the development and implementation of a recovery and wellness center for adults with serious mental illness in an amount not to exceed $216,890 for the period of January 1, 2013 through June 30 2014; Behavioral Health – Board action:

12.       Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing submittal of application(s) to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) for grants the Department of Public Works is eligible for the period of 2013 through 2018; Public Works/Integrated Waste – Board action:

13.       Adopt a RESOLUTION approving a Professional Services Agreement between Calaveras County and Stantec Consulting Services for Environmental and Engineering Services associated with rehabilitation or replacement of the San Domingo and Rolleri Bypass Road Bridges for an amount not to exceed $545,754 and for a term to expire December 30, 2014; Public Works – Board action:

14.       Adopt a RESOLUTION approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between Calaveras County and ISL Engineering, Inc. for On-Call Services for an additional amount not to exceed $60,000; Public Works – Board action:

15.       Adopt a RESOLUTION approving a Professional Services Agreement between Calaveras County and Quincy Engineering for Environmental and Engineering Services associated with Rehabilitation or Replacement of the Lime Creek and Dogtown Road Bridges for an amount not to exceed $195,546 and for a term to expire December 31, 2013; Public Works – Board action:

16.       Discussion and possible action re: Approval of MINUTE ORDER appointing applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas; Board of Supervisors – Board action:

17.       Adopt a MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair to sign a letter to Senator Berryhill and Assemblymember Bigelow requesting legislative support for direct access electric service to businesses; Callaway/CPPA – Board action:

18.       Adopt a MINUTE ORDER approving a change order to the Agreement with Flintco Pacific, Inc., in the amount of $444,744 for additional fire smoke dampers and removal of unforeseen hard rock at the Adult Detention Facility and Sheriff’s Office Building project and authorizing the County Administrative Officer to execute the change order; Administration/Kitchell – Board action:

On the website, items with supporting documentation may be hyperlinked for viewing.


19.       Adopt a RESOLUTION ordering distribution of excess proceeds from November 5, 2011 Tax Sale; Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4675; Treasurer/Tax Collector – Board action:

20.       1) PUBLIC HEARING for consideration of purpose of soliciting citizen’s view regarding the transfer of funds within Revolving Loan Accounts and the Updated CDBG Program Income Reuse Plan.   2) RESOLUTION approving the Update of the CDBG Program Income Reuse Plan and Transfer of Funds within Revolving Loan Accounts; CalWorks – Board action:

21.       Consideration of selection of projects for 2013 CDBG Grant Cycle; and 2) MINUTE ORDER authorizing the preparation of an application to the State Department of Housing & Community Development, Community Development Block Grant Program for the selected activities; CalWorks – Board action:

22.       Discussion and direction:  Calaveras County Master Space Plan; Administration – Board action:

23.       1:30 PM:  PUBLIC HEARING: Project # 2006-110: General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Zoning Regulations, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Development Agreement for Castle & Cooke Calaveras Inc., Sawmill Lake Project. Noticed Public Hearing pursuant to Government Code §65090 et.seq.: Discussion and possible action to sign a RESOLUTION for denial without prejudice of the Sawmill Lake Project in its entirety. The subject property is a 243-acre site south of the intersection of State Route 4 and Little John Road in Copperopolis.  APNs: 061-003-001, 054-007-003, 054-007-006, 054-007-018, 054-007-019, 054-006-030, -031, -032, and -037 in Sections 3 and 4, T.1N., R.12E; Planning – Board action:

24.       Review of correspondence, reports and various matters of concern.

CORRESPONDENCE – February 26, 2013
The Board May Take Action on Any of the Following Items:
February 6, 2013
1.     From:  State Board of Equalization; re:  Proposed Revisions to Application for Changed Assessment Form; Board, Cao, Counsel, Assessor, Clerk, Post
February 8, 2013
2.     From:  CCWD; re:  February 13 meeting agenda; Board, CAO, Counsel
3.     From:  Sharon Thorpe; re:  Consideration of Implementing AB 1569 in the county; Board, CAO, Counsel, Sheriff
February 11, 2013
4.     From:  Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board; re:  Notice of CEQA Scoping Meeting/Lahontan Region; Board, CAO, Counsel, Post
February 13, 2013
5.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re:  Karla Tafoya Soto/MiTierra Mexican Restaurant; Edson, Spellman, CAO, Counsel, Post
6.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re:  Grant William Metzger Jr/Metzger Farms; Edson, CAO, Counsel, Post
7.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re:  Grant William Metzger Jr/Metzger Farms - Secondary; Edson, CAO, Counsel, Post
8.     From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re:  Lee Sterling Godfrey/145 Club; Edson, Spellman, CAO, Counsel, Post

March 12
·         Lake Tulloch vacation rental ordinance; Planning
·         Short Term Rental Ordinance; Planning (continued from February 12)
·         Accessory Dwelling (second units) ordinance (1hour); Planning
·         FY 2012/13 Mid-Year Budget Review; Administration
March 19: Special Meeting BOS & PC
·         Closed Session (2) Begin at 8:00 AM.
·         Study Session:  General Plan land use map draft #2 (4-6 hours); Begin at 9:30 AM.
March 26
·         Study Session:  Economic Development Study Session; Edson
·         Study Session:  BOS Policies and Procedures; Administration
April 12 Special Meeting
·         CAO Candidate Interviews
June 11 – 14
·         FY 2013/14 Preliminary Budget Hearings
September 10 – 13
·         FY 2013/14 Final Budget Hearings
No Date Yet
·         DUIRR Program; Wright
·         Fish & Game Commission Originating Document and Conflict of Interest Code; Bd Clerk