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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some incoming Sup's still waiting to be sworn in

According to a KVGC radio spot aired December 19, 2012 all three newly elected Calaveras County  Supervisors were to be sworn in December 19, 2012 with effective dates of service listed on the county website as the first Monday following January 1, 2013 at noon.

According to Diane Severud, the BOS clerk, Cliff Edson is the only incoming Supervisor that has been sworn in to date. Chris Wright is to be sworn in at the January 8, 2013 BOS meeting at 9:00 am and Debbie Ponte is scheduled to be sworn in the afternoon of 1-3-13. "The Oath of Office can be administered any time after the election has been certified."

Updated 4:51 pm 1-3-13