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Monday, January 14, 2013

School Administrators to Attend Budget Workshop in Sacramento

Last week Gov Brown stated that schools will receive more money from the state for educating students who are hardest to teach, including poor and non-English speaking students. While at the same time promising to give more control to local schools boards, giving them more freedom from directions to provide programs such as for the gifted and smaller class sizes for primary grades. The proposal also plans to pay back districts that are owed money from the state.

In order to understand the proposal in its entirety the Calaveras County Office of Education CBO (Chief Business Officer), MTUESD Superintendent Julia Tidball and other administrators from Calaveras County will be heading to Sacramento tomorrow to attend a Budget workshop. 

Calaveras County Superintendent Kathy Northington stated that the workshop will "walk the administrators through the State budget" giving them a better idea of how it will affect their districts.