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Friday, January 25, 2013

Bret Harte facing possible layoffs

According to Bret Harte Superintendent Michael Chimente, due to the continued decline in property taxes which is "90% of our funding" there is a need to "reduce staff to reduce the budget."

"We have been spending down our reserve hoping for the economy to recover...its not trending that way." The district is to hold a 4% reserve, in order to maintain that reserve layoffs may have to be made "across the board." Administrative and certificated staff must receive a preliminary notification by no later than March 15 with a final by May 15. Whereas classified staff may receive less notice time.

By June 2013 the County Treasurer/Tax Collector will have a firmer dollar amount of possible revenue. "We will know for sure" when those numbers are released, said Chimente.

By, Charity Maness