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Monday, December 10, 2012

3rd Annual Celebration of Galerie Artisits - Town Hall Arts

THIRD Annual
Celebration of Galerie Copper Artists
Reception and Dinner
The public is invited to join us for our Artists’ Reception
4-6 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, Town Hall Arts
 Come meet the artists who display their lovely works at Galerie Copper,
 while enjoying live music and refreshments catered by Saddle Creek Resort. 
The celebration will conclude with an optional $20 per person inclusive dinner
 at Saddle Creek Resort.  Menu includes Chicken Cordon Bleu,
Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, seasonal fresh vegetables, rolls and whipped butter, house salad with balsamic vinaigrette, dessert, and coffee or soft drink.
If you wish to participate in the Artists Dinner, please get your dinner check
(made to Town Hall Arts) to Larry by Friday, Dec. 7.