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Monday, November 19, 2012

Tulloch rental rules approved by James DeHaven

County moves ahead with permit fees
Efforts to contain the clamor surrounding Lake Tulloch vacation rentals won a nod from Calaveras County planning commissioners last week, part of a 4-1 vote that sends additional proposed rental regulations on to the Board of Supervisors.

Planners are looking to charge a $2,033 fee for each rental permit, which would allow for no more than two occupants per room and four parking spaces per dwelling and would be good for one year.
Staffers remain unsure what county supervisors would like to charge for annual permit renewals, although county Planner Darcy Goulart doubts the county will ask for anything close to the initial permit fee.

“The process will be reduced in terms of a fee,” Goulart said. “That’s something we’ll be exploring with the (Board of Supervisors) but $2,033 probably isn’t warranted when you’re looking at a renewal.”

Commissioner Mike Miller cast the sole dissenting vote on Thursday’s proposal, one which hopes to tighten existing occupancy and length-of-stay regulations through a new permit aimed at the handful of Tulloch homeowners who lease docks and lakeside homes to summer vacationers.

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