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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Once Upon a Time to host David Tunno book signing event

David Tunno will be signing his latest release Fixing the Engine of Justice:  Diagnosis and Repair of Our Jury System at Once Upon a Time bookstore in Copperopolis Town Square on November 10 from 2-4 p.m. 




VALLEY SPRINGS, Calif. – Comparing the American jury system to a broken car, trial consultant David Tunno presents the problems with the system and offers prescriptive remedies in his new book, Fixing the Engine of Justice:  Diagnosis and Repair of Our Jury System. 
Tunno, a trial consultant for more than 20 years, has studied and researched key trials and gleaned stories from his personal experiences to show a system beset with representation issues, incompetence, bias, misconduct and lack of support and public perception based on misconceptions.  He analyzes the flaws in the jury selection process, its lack of effectiveness and the ways in which it contributes to the delivery of justice.
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch said of the court system, “A court is only as sound as its jury, and a jury is only as sound as the men who make it up.” That concept is the driving force behind Fixing the Engine of Justice, in which the author takes the position that jury duty is just that - a duty - not a right.  The book was written with the general public in mind, but includes extensive research into areas of the law, including Supreme Court cases, the Magna Carta and the Federalist Papers to add perspective on key issues and to debunk misconceptions such the concept of “a jury of one’s peers,” and the notion of a jury’s right of nullification.

Often humorous and irreverent, Fixing the Engine of Justice focuses on juries, but the author also takes aim at judges, attorneys and other issues relevant to the health of the system.
 “A fascinating, knowledgeable exploration!  Humor leavens the material well; the writing is lucid and easy to follow,” writes the San Francisco Review of Books.
The Honorable Carl West of the California Superior Court, Complex Case Division, Los Angeles (Ret.) writes, “I thought your book was excellent.  Authors such as yourself who highlight ways that we can make the system more efficient are in short supply.  Thank you!”
For more on the book, visit www.fixingtheengineofjustice.com.  It is also available on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites.

About the Author
David Tunno earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Portland. He has been a trial consultant since 1989, forming Tunno and Associates in 1993. A frequent media commentator in connection with high-profile trials and writer on issues of local interest, Tunno lives in Valley Springs with his wife Donna.