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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daylight savings ends today - a safety reminder from CalFire

Daylight Savings Time Ends
Change Clocks, Change Smoke Detector Batteries

San AndreasDaylight savings time ends, Sunday, November 4, 2012.  This is a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.  Almost every day a smoke detector saves somebody’s life, but only when the smoke detectors are maintained and working properly.

To keep your smoke detector in proper working order:

·         Test all smoke detectors on a monthly basis
·         Change the batteries twice a year
·         Vacuum once a year: dust and cobwebs can impair sensitivity

Install smoke detectors in:

·         Hallways that lead to all sleeping areas
·         Basements
·         Each additional level of your home

The life you save may be your own or that of a loved one.