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Monday, November 5, 2012

Copper Fire reminds you Measure C in NOT a new tax nor an increase in taxes or fees

Statement of Facts
The Copperopolis Fire Protection District has placed Measure C on the November Ballot.  This Measure is to re-affirm the District’s Appropriation Limit, also known as the Gann Limit.  This ballot measure requirement comes from legal language that is still in place from the property tax movement of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.
Measure C is not a new tax. It is simply a re-authorization to allow the Copperopolis Fire Protection District to spend the revenues from taxes that were already approved in 1997 and 2002 by more than 2/3 of the voters within the District.  Measure C is not a new tax or a tax increase.  By approving Measure C, your taxes will not be increased in any way, but the Copperopolis Fire Protection District will be allowed to spend the taxes that have already been approved and collected.  Article XII(b) of the California State Constitution requires the voters approve this Measure every four years.
The Gann Limit prohibits the District from spending tax revenue that equals more than the approved limit, thus restricting growth, and sometimes reducing tax-funded programs and services. 
If Measure C is not passed, the Copperopolis Fire Protection District will be unable to spend some of the tax revenues collected each year.  This may mean the loss of the paramedic services and the potential loss of firefighter positions.  As a result, residents might have to wait for up to 30 minutes for a paramedic response. 
MEASURE C IS NOT A NEW TAX. A YES vote on MEASURE C will allow the Copperopolis Fire Protection District to spend the tax revenue that you have previously approved and assist in maintaining the level of protection it provides to the community.
If you have any questions regarding Measure C, you may contact the Fire Station at 209-785-2393.