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Thursday, November 15, 2012

CCPAC would like community input

At the 11-5-12 CCPAC (Copperopolis Community Plan Advisory Committee) meeting the committee requested community input for the goals of the community. The following are the current goals listed from previous attempts at community plans, the committee would like suggestions, edits or additions to the 7 goals listed below. The following current growth facts may be helpful when formulating your suggestions.

Current growth facts:
2500  Built Lots
1500  Vacant lots within subdivisions
500     Existing legal lots
4100   Approved subdivisions not constructed
8600  lots TOTAL    20,000 people
3300  pending applications
11900  lots subtotal     27,700 people
Prior community plan drafts sat at 16,000 lots and 40,000 people.

The following are the current goals: 

If you would like your voice to be heard pertaining to the goals you would like to see come to fruition for the community please email your thoughts by no later than November 26, 2012 for consideration at the December 3, 2012 meeting to Brenda Gillarde at bgillarde@co.calaveras.ca.us.