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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Board of Supervisors 11-27-12 meeting preliminary agenda

November 27, 2012



891 Mountain Ranch Rd, San Andreas, California

8:00 AM:  Call to Order
1.        CLOSED SESSION; Public Employee Appointment or Employment (County Administrative Officer), Pursuant to  Government  Code  54957; Human Resources – Board action:

2.        CLOSED SESSION: conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation - initiation of litigation, (one case) pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (c); County Counsel - Board action

9:00  AM:  Pledge of Allegiance

9:00 AM to 9:30 AM:  PUBLIC COMMENTS 

3.        PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD:  Any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and is not posted on the Consent or Regular agendas may be addressed during the Public Comment period.  California law prohibits the Board from taking action on any matter which is not posted on the agenda unless it is determined to be an emergency by the Board of Supervisors.  If Public Comment is not completed during the allotted time period, it will be continued at the conclusion of the Regular Agenda in order to provide an opportunity for the remainder of comments to be heard. 

If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please come to the rostrum and give your name and your comments.  Time limits and order of items shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
Consent agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  Any board member, staff member or interested party may request removal of an item from the consent agenda for later discussion.  On the website, items with supporting documentation may be hyperlinked for viewing.
4.          MINUTES of meeting held on November 13, 2012 – Board action:
5.          CORRESPONDENCE:    November 5 - 16, 2012 (see attached) – Board action:
6.          Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing the Board Chair to sign the application for Open Space Subvention payment of $138,462.74 from the State of California under the Open Space Subvention Act; Assessor – Board action:
7.          Adopt a RESOLUTION authorizing the County Administrative Officer and the Sheriff’s Office to apply for funding under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant; Sheriff – Board action:
8.          Adopt a RESOLUTION amending the Appendix of Designated Positions to the Calaveras County Conflict of Interest Code; Board of Supervisors – Board action:
9.          Adopt a RESOLUTION  approving amendments to the Conflict of Interest Codes for the Calaveras County Water District, Calaveras Council of Governments and Calaveras County Office of Education; Board of Supervisors – Board action:
10.          Approve MINUTE ORDER authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign the Agreement between Helios Healthcare, LLC and Calaveras County for residential mental health rehabilitation services in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for the 23 month period of August 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014; Behavioral Health – Board action:

On the website, items with supporting documentation may be hyperlinked for viewing.


11.      Adopt a MINUTE ORDER approving a change order to the Agreement with Flintco Pacific, Inc. in the amount of $82,208 for site wide revisions to underground electrical utilities and authorizing the County Administrative Officer to execute the change order; Administration/Kitchell – Board action:

12.        Adopt a RESOLUTION rescinding Resolution No. 98-91 “Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of Calaveras County to adopt the D.U.I.R.R. (Driving Under the Influence Reporters Reward) Program as a County Program”, and Notifying the Calaveras County Superior Court pursuant to Penal Code Section 1463.28(b) to increase the bail amounts by five and 00/100 dollars ($5.00) in order to fund the D.U.I.R.R. Program and to designate the Sheriff’s Office to administer the D.U.I.R.R. Program; Board of Supervisors/Wilensky – Board action:

13.        Adopt a RESOLUTION approving amendments to the Calaveras Public Power Agency (CPPA) Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) and approving the CPPA JPA as amended; Board of Supervisors/Callaway – Board action:

Adjourn as the Board of Supervisors and convene as the IHSS Public Authority.

14.      Adoption of RESOLUTION authorizing the renewal of the Interagency Agreement between the County of Calaveras and the Calaveras County IHSS Public Authority; Public Authority – Board action:

Adjourn as the IHSS Public Authority and reconvene as the Board of Supervisors.

15.        Voting as the Board of Supervisors regarding adoption of RESOLUTION authorizing the renewal of the Interagency Agreement between the County of Calaveras and the Calaveras County IHSS Public Authority; Public Authority – Board action:

16.       2008-064 zoning amendment for Jeff & Jami Davidson:  The applicants are appealing the Planning Commission decision to deny the Zoning Amendment Application.  The applicants requested a Zoning Amendment from PS (Public Service) to RA-5 (Residential Agriculture, Five Acre Minimum) to allow for the construction of a single family residence. The parcel has a General Plan Land Use designation of Future Single Family Residential.  The property, located at 7434 Leslie Court in Wallace, is identified as Lot 48 in the Southworth Ranch Estates Subdivision. (APN 048-075-007 is a portion of Section 35, T04N, R09E, MDM); Planning – Board action:

17.       Review of correspondence, reports and various matters of concern.

CORRESPONDENCE - November 27, 2012
The Board May Take Action on Any of the Following Items:
November 5, 2012
1.         From:  CA Fish and Game; re:  Notice of Findings regarding the Gray Wolf; Callaway, Wilensky, CAO, Counsel, Post
2.         From:  CA Energy Commission; re:  Notice of Postponement of Hearing regarding CA Building Standards; Board, CAO, Counsel, Post
November 6, 2012
3.         From:  CA Wildlife Conservation Board; re: Consideration of a grant to the Pacific Forest Trust; Board, CAO, Counsel, Post
4.         From:  Betsy Duncan; re:  Short Term Rentals; Board, CAO, Counsel
November 7, 2012
5.         From:  Derek Bray; re:  Notifications from Planning Commission and Assessor; Board, CAO, Counsel, Assessor, Planning
November 9, 2012
6.         From:  CCWD; re:  November 14 meeting agenda; Board, CAO, Counsel
November 14, 2012
7.         From:  Mary McNamara; re:  Temporary Release of Pereira; Board, CAO, Counsel, Sheriff
8.         From:  CA Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control; re: Melvin J Pryor/Grizzly Station - Arnold; Callaway, CAO, Counsel, Post
November 15, 2012
9.         From:  CCWD; re:  Appointment of General Manager; Board, CAO, Counsel